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His husband, Chasten, said on Twitter it would “kill kids” and make the state “a harder place for LGBTQ kids to survive in”.Īhead of his appointment as transportation secretary, Buttigieg recalled how as a 17-year-old in Indiana he had watched on television as President Clinton nominated James Hormel as US ambassador to Luxembourg in 1998, only for some Senate Republicans to unsuccessfully oppose his nomination because he was gay. If they were in a place like Florida, it might stop them from mentioning they had a great time over the weekend with their dads.” “I think about what life might be like for our kids when they start school. “Bottom line, it’s hurting kids,” he said. “That question will be settled largely at the supreme court in this decade.”īuttigieg has spoken out about the new Florida law which prohibits discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity in primary grade levels, dubbed by critics the ‘don’t say gay’ bill. A pro-choice campaigner protests outside the home of US Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh.

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